4. Franco Sacchi: A tour of Nollywood, Nigeria’s booming film industry

I’m including this talk by Zambian director Sacchi instead of, for instance, James Cameron’s talk (which in my opinion is more than a shameless plug than anything else), because I think it’s much more interesting to learn about parts of the world that aren’t so on the foreground. Nollywood is the third largest film industry of the world, and before this Talk, I honestly did not know much about it.

About The Author

Editor in Chief

Manon is a 24 year old Dutchie located in Perth, Australia and has a passion for film and writing. She has a MA in Global Criminology - her praised thesis discussed developments in law enforcement and punishment with the use of dystopian science fiction films. She enjoyed this so much she is continuing the critical discussion of themes of movies here on The Movie Scrutineer!